HEB Custom Hand Blown Lighting by Wimberley Glassworks

HEB custom lighting by WGW

Price check at the t-bone checkout, or assistance at the cupcake checkout is what you’ll hear at the new HEB in Wimberley, instead of the usual price check at #8.  HEB recently opened this artisan inspired grocery store, with Wimberley Glassworks blown glass custom designed lights illuminating the checkouts.

HEB checkout lines

When HEB decided to build a store in Wimberley, Bowen Intermediate school, scheduled for demolition, occupied their desired site. Purchase was made from Wimberley School District and word soon got out that the memorable school to many long time residents would become a grocery store. Little did most know at the time that HEB would honor the community so highly with regard to the design of their building and their donations


Construction of the commercial business progressed to a subtle but impressive structure, that appears to rise out of the natural surroundings of the hill country itself, with natural tones and native landscaping. On September 14th this year, over 300 attended the opening event, for their first glimpse of the interior. Many donations were given, and many were honored, one of which was Tim de Jong for his contribution as an artisan. The whimsical interior, incorporating children’s art, and reclaimed items from the Bowen school demolition, was a heart-felt experience for all to see.  The gym floor, where many residents made childhood memories of school sporting events, was now integrated into a decorative wall finish throughout the store. Gym benches, were fashioned into a large chef’s hat over the deli and the jungle gym made into a seating area outside. A playful use of color throughout the store, focuses on the blown glass checkout stand lights, complemented with several Wimberley Glassworks glass patterns in a variety of colors. The 16" tall cylindrical shades set in a metal base, when lit, illuminate familiar product images such as ice cream cones, instead of numbers, for in-store checkout reference.  

HEB Wimberley Checkout line


Tim de Jong and glassblowing team at Wimberley Glassworks, are honored to have worked with and represent HEB, in creating glass art for the community at large to enjoy.  Come on out to Wimberley, experience a glassblowing demonstration, see the gallery, and take a first-hand look at the HEB nearby.

Check out our video glassblowing one of the HEB shades here.


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